
Qt 4.6.2 released for all supported platforms; new features are official Maemo 5 support and Nokia Smart Installer for Symbian (labs.trolltech.com) Ajax IM ? Instant Messaging Framework (pure js client and server) (ajaxim.com) Adobe is "s…


More Python GIL Visualizations (plus request to hammer the server!) (ec2-174-129-96-143.compute-1.amazonaws.com) CyberLisp: A Lisp compiled to javascript, run on SpiderMonkey. (github.com) LOLPython (dalkescientific.com) Monkey-Patching, S…


A domain specific language for binary file formats (cprg-research.blogspot.com)


Squeak ported to Android (news.squeak.org) すげえ!


How Many Passes? - How the C# compiler works (blogs.msdn.com) LLVM built by Clang passes regression testing! (lists.cs.uiuc.edu) Kayak is a lightweight, high-performance C# HTTP server+framework (kayakhttp.com) IronJS, preview benchmarks o…


Compiler Smackdown 2010 - #include <gcc/cheerleaders.h> (multimedia.cx) IronJS - A Javascript implementation built on the Dynamic Language Runtime for .NET | GitHub (github.com) JavaScript running on the GPU (ajaxian.com) Turn your checkboxes into iPhone-styl</gcc/cheerleaders.h>…


JavaScript speedups in Firefox 3.6 (hacks.mozilla.org) marking 後の free フェーズを別スレッドにしてポーズを短くしたのか. でもメモリ不足で GC した場合ってそれってどうなのかな. 将来的に再帰関数を jit したいって書いてあるってことは今はしない…


CAL, the Haskell-like language for the JVM, now on github (github.com) Markdown and an Introduction to Parsing Expression Grammars (PEG) (cforcoding.com)


Google Chrome's H.264 support not in spirit of "free" software (ianweller.org) 特許はなんともならんw Subversion in 2010 and Beyond [presentation] (subversion.wandisco.com) HTTPv2 も WC-NG も SubversionJ もとてもよろしくて、しかも今年前半予…


jQuery 1.4 released (jquery14.com) Google Maps jQuery plugin v1.01 new features and fixes (mayzes.org) Mozilla to release Prism, an open-source Silverlight and Adobe AIR competitor (business2press.com) Presentation on the new Python GIL (d…


Scheme from Scratch (peter.michaux.ca) Gordon - An open source Flash runtime written in pure JavaScript with SVG (paulirish.com) Mozilla Labs: The Future of Add-ons (mozillalabs.com) Flash 11 Should Be A Switch To JavaScript (thebackbutton…


qb.js: An implementation of QBASIC in Javascript (part 1) (stevehanov.ca) Solaris 10 receives a message from the future (imgur.com) On Selling Exceptions to the GNU GPL - Free Software Foundation (fsf.org) Pyprocessing: For those fed up wi…


Pystachio lets you execute Python in modern browsers (code.google.com) uWSGI, a fast (pure C), self-healing, developer-friendly WSGI server for Python web apps (projects.unbit.it) When polymorphism fails (steve.yegge.googlepages.com) A sim…


lbzip2's scaling, currently measured up to 71 cores, on the 144-core supercomputer of the National Information Infrastructure Development Institute of Hungary (lacos.hu) Comparing Go and Stackless Python (posted-stuff.blogspot.com) QB64: A…


Stackless Python outperforms Google's Go (dalkescientific.com) Interfaces vs Inheritance (artima.com) python(x,y) = Python + Qt + Eclipse + Spyder for scientific computing (pythonxy.com) Fedora Core 12 Ships with Perl 6 (fedoraproject.org)…


Java String Concatenation and Performance (venishjoe.net) ぶっちゃけこの程度の差だったら StringBuilder や StringBuffer より concat を使いたいw Why version control is important for solo developers (cimgf.com) Diff before commit を徹底すると…


Brace is a dialect of C that looks like Python. (sam.nipl.net) ECMA Harmony and the Future of JavaScript (blog.thejit.org) HTTPS, SSL attack vector discovered. All implementations are said to be vulnerable because the flaw is in the protoc…


[Python-Dev] Reworking the GIL (mail.python.org) jQuery and General Javascript Tips to Improve Your Code (tripwiremagazine.com) LLVM 2.6 Release! (lists.cs.uiuc.edu) Tail Call Amputation (tbray.org) HTML5 spec at "Last Call" (lists.whatwg.…


Cocoa with Love: Objective-C's niche: why it survives in a world of alternatives (cocoawithlove.com)


The Old New Thing on Double-Null Terminated Strings in Windows (blogs.msdn.com) Sorting Algorithm Shootout (blog.quibb.org) Extending ltrace to make your Ruby/Python/Perl/PHP apps faster (timetobleed.com) A guide to writing less code (PDF)…


LYSP: Piumarta's Tiny 50th Anniversary Lisp (piumarta.com)


Sprixel, a 6 compiler powered by JavaScript (perlgeek.de) 6 compiler ってなによと思ったら perl6 かよw


Moby: scheme compiler for smartphones (github.com)


Miguel de Icaza a traitor?! unnecessary politics hurts free and open source software (fosslc.org) さすが RMS Bazaar 2.0.0 is released (launchpad.net) 自分の周りではなんかあまり話を聞かないんだよなあ. Excellent Trick on JPG Images. An Image…


Mozilla has announced that it plans to bring Office 2007's Ribbon interface to Firefox (programmica.info) metapad (94KB Windows text editor) turns 10 and celebrates by releasing GPL source code (liquidninja.com) Oracle: We Will Not Spin of…


Tiny Code (List of small compilers/interpreters) (kmkeen.com) よさげなコレクション. Java language changes planned for JDK 7 announced (blogs.sun.com) Strings in switch が地味によさそう.


Co-routines as an alternative to state machines (eli.thegreenplace.net)


Apache.org hack (f-secure.com) まじで orz


Improved performance of Python 3.1 (gtsystem.eu) 随分改善したなあ. 読み書き時に Python 2.x にはなかったユニコードとローカルエンコーディングの変換が走るのでここら辺が限界な気もする. JPC is the fast pure Java™ x86 PC emulator (www-jpc.physic…


Google acquires On2 technologies (google.com) とにかくびっくりした.