

Java development 2.0: Sharding with Hibernate Shards (ibm.com) Why JavaScript is AWESOME (skilldrick.co.uk)


A micro-manual for LISP Implemented in C (nakkaya.com) 400行切っているな Want to pack JS and CSS really well? Convert it to a PNG and unpack it via Canvas (ajaxian.com) JS や CSS は PNG 圧縮して、canvas 上に解凍して読み込めばいいというコペ…


OpenSSH now with support for Elliptic Curve Cryptography (marc.info) Perl Compiler Speed ? It’s Fast (curiousprogrammer.wordpress.com) Why We Love Lisp (c2.com) GitHub: Pull Requests 2.0 (github.com) Type-checking a Dynamic Language (journ…


The Hurd: GNU's Quest for the Perfect Kernel (lwn.net) The beauty of open source. Ruby, rack, sinatra & tilt (bjarte.com) Traceroute in 40 lines of Python (blog.ksplice.com) Rakudo Star - a useful, usable, "early adopter" distribution of P…


Making something out of nothing (or, why None is better than NaN or NULL) (ocaml.janestreet.com) There are only two tasks harder than writing Free Software Graphics drivers. One is running a successful crocodile petting zoo, the other is w…


“HTML5 Audio And Video Accessibility, Internationalisation And Usability” talk at Mozilla Summit External Text Tracks Markup in HTML5 を使うと、ニコニコ動画が作れる?


Concurrency in the D Programming Language (informit.com) The Most Important Algorithms. How many do you understand? (risc.jku.at) Cappuccino vs jQuery (yannesposito.com) Internet Relay Programming (esoteric.voxelperfect.net) Simulate Slow …


The five most important algorithms? (daniel-lemire.com) Singular Value Decomposition、名前すら知らないオワタ SICP 2nd Ed in ePub format (great for iPad and non-Kindle eBook readers) (github.com) 日本語訳は出現するだろうか


mongrel2 (mongrel2.org) It's written by the original author of Mongrel, Designed to handle HTTP, Flash XMLSockets, or WebSockets on the same socket transparently Mongrel2 will be written in C Mongrel2 will be licensed AGPL うひょ.


HCI: An analysis of the "system tray" and what the Ubuntu devs are doing to improve it (design.canonical.com) IE9 Platform Preview 3: <video>, <audio>, <canvas> and fonts too (arstechnica.com) Eclipse.org - Helios released. (eclipse.org) A less computationally </canvas></audio></video>…


css calc() - set attributes like height:(100%-20px), this has to be standardized (hacks.mozilla.org) Google vs Microsoft: Google engineer uncovers Windows XP bug and gives Microsoft 5 days to fix it before releasing the information (pcmag.…


JavaScript Compressor Comparison (alittlemadness.com) Microsoft Ajax Minifier がはぶられているw Compile-time function execution in D (giovanni.bajo.it) 環境依存でないことはどう保証するのだろうか


SVG ready to work in most current browsers--only needs a little documentation (itworld.com) How to make Lisp go faster than C (iaeng.org) clang++ now implements all of C++'03 (lists.cs.uiuc.edu) PyPy is the Future of Python (alexgaynor.net…


IBM releases DB2 Express-C 9.7.2 (antoniocangiano.com) 触発されて Oracle XE に動きがでたりしないかなあ. TakeoffGW: MinGW based distribution with a cygwin-like package manager (sourceforge.net) 最初、たけお ff ゲートウェイ って何だと思った…


New HTML5 parser coming in Firefox 4 – SVG in HTML, faster parsing, and more (hacks.mozilla.org) New "libc++" C++ Standard Library by the LLVM team (blog.llvm.org) Simply beyond ridiculous: next generation video compression proposals (x264…


Rendering musical notation in HTML5 (0xfe.blogspot.com) 神過ぎてフイた.


Why Our Civilization's Video Art and Culture is Threatened by the MPEG-LA (osnews.com) 「H.264 も OggTheora も駄目だから MotionJPEG だ!」か. まあ、それはありっちゃありかもなあ. py2rb: A Python-to-Ruby Porting Assistant (jens.mooseyard.com)…


IE9 HTML5 video will play H.264 ONLY (blogs.msdn.com) “A potentially controversial graph showing MongoDB performing 100 times better than SQL Server” (michaelckennedy.net) In Defense of Ogg's Good Name (people.xiph.org) Use C# dynamic typi…


IBM details Java 7 in their view (ibm.com) Facebook's new API: RESTful JSON & OAuth2 (developers.facebook.com) rock 0.9.0, an ooc compiler written in ooc, is now self-hosting. (lists.launchpad.net) Android 2.2 (Froyo) Features (blogs.zdnet…


Faster Builds: A Continuous Integration Strategy (greensopinion.blogspot.com) How many programmers does it take to change a lightbulb? (sjbaker.org) uBench: IronJS (F#-JIT) vs. V8 vs. TraceMonkey (ugh.cc) MMX code generation in Visual C++ …


apache.org hacking incident report for 04/09/2010 (blogs.apache.org) How to root a Linux machine using a kernel NULL pointer vulnerability (blog.ksplice.com) Apache.org's JIRA compromise is unsurprising given Atlassian's lax attitude about…


Five rational arguments against Apple's 3.3.1 policy (37signals.com) Abstraction as Leverage - Alex Martelli (us.pycon.org) Bravo, Apple (gamehaxe.com) Java 1.7 - What's new? Release date, code examples and performance (inebium.com) Steve …


Google to Open-source VP8 for HTML5 Video (newteevee.com) Google 愛してる! Google boosts open video by funding ARM Theora codec (arstechnica.com) Google 愛してる! Inline Caches and Call Site Optimization (blogs.azulsystems.com) おお、理解.…


I Can't Wait for NoSQL to Die (teddziuba.com) Cassandra はスキーマの変更で再起動が必要とか、Google は MySQL にパッチを当てる道を選んだとか、端的な事実ベースで書いてあるのが心地いいね. LuaJIT 2.0.0 Beta4 is out (luajit.org) 収束し始めたか. …


Josl: a modern stack based language (josl.org) Theora More of a Patent Threat than H264? Wait, What? (osnews.com) AS3 Memory Management (tomgabob.blogspot.com) Factor playground (factor.openeducationtools.com) JSINQ (LINQ to Objects for Ja…


Benchmark of Python web servers (WSGI) (nichol.as) CherryPy の安定感と、mod_wsgi のがっかり感. Flash Builder 4 is Out, and it's FREE for Students and Unemployed Devs (adobe.com) 学生でも無職でもないしなあ・・・. New Features in JQuery UI 1…


PEG.js - parser generator for JavaScript (pegjs.majda.cz) Why The Array Index Should Start From 0 (developeronline.blogspot.com) The C Object System: Using C as a High-Level Object-Oriented Language (arxiv.org) REAL Unix one-liners (gnu.or…


"LuaJIT's interpreter (!) beats V8's JIT compiler in 6 out of 8 benchmarks" - Mike Pall (lambda-the-ultimate.org) 続けて「もちろん LuaJIT コンパイラは広いマージンを取って V8 を打ち負かす、GCが決定的なベンチマークを除いて」って・・・. Lua …


New, But Not So Obvious, Features in .NET 4.0 (galilyou.blogspot.com) Trip Report: March 2010 ISO C++ Standards Meeting. Approved Final Committee Draft, Removed Export Template (herbsutter.wordpress.com) Cassandra Internals - Writing (mike…


[http://carlos.bueno.org/2010/02/measuring-javascript-parse-and-load.html?v=2:title=A Hidden Cost of Javascript [updated!] (carlos.bueno.org)] Dividing by multiplying (ridiculousfish.com) ongoing by Tim Bray | HTML5 (tbray.org) Introductio…