

mongrel2 (mongrel2.org) It's written by the original author of Mongrel, Designed to handle HTTP, Flash XMLSockets, or WebSockets on the same socket transparently Mongrel2 will be written in C Mongrel2 will be licensed AGPL うひょ.


HCI: An analysis of the "system tray" and what the Ubuntu devs are doing to improve it (design.canonical.com) IE9 Platform Preview 3: <video>, <audio>, <canvas> and fonts too (arstechnica.com) Eclipse.org - Helios released. (eclipse.org) A less computationally </canvas></audio></video>…


css calc() - set attributes like height:(100%-20px), this has to be standardized (hacks.mozilla.org) Google vs Microsoft: Google engineer uncovers Windows XP bug and gives Microsoft 5 days to fix it before releasing the information (pcmag.…


JavaScript Compressor Comparison (alittlemadness.com) Microsoft Ajax Minifier がはぶられているw Compile-time function execution in D (giovanni.bajo.it) 環境依存でないことはどう保証するのだろうか


SVG ready to work in most current browsers--only needs a little documentation (itworld.com) How to make Lisp go faster than C (iaeng.org) clang++ now implements all of C++'03 (lists.cs.uiuc.edu) PyPy is the Future of Python (alexgaynor.net…


IBM releases DB2 Express-C 9.7.2 (antoniocangiano.com) 触発されて Oracle XE に動きがでたりしないかなあ. TakeoffGW: MinGW based distribution with a cygwin-like package manager (sourceforge.net) 最初、たけお ff ゲートウェイ って何だと思った…