
OpenSSH now with support for Elliptic Curve Cryptography (marc.info)
Perl Compiler Speed ? It’s Fast (curiousprogrammer.wordpress.com)
Why We Love Lisp (c2.com)
GitHub: Pull Requests 2.0 (github.com)
Type-checking a Dynamic Language (journal.stuffwithstuff.com)
XOR patent killed Commodore-Amiga (xcssa.org)
World's fastest sorting code: Sort one billion integers per second with your GPU (code.google.com)
Emscripten - An LLVM-to-JavaScript Compiler (mozakai.blogspot.com)
Code and data (msmvps.com)
I wrote an LLVM-powered trace-based JIT for Brainf*ck! (github.com)
Howto Javascript minifaction and a new method for self deflating javascript code. (codeflow.org)
<angular/>: Complex web apps made simple (angularjs.org)
Improving the QtWebKit rendering performance with more SIMD (labs.trolltech.com)
Huffman encoder in 8086 ASM (x-n2o.com)
An implementation of Bead sort. (new?) (rosettacode.org)
C1X: The new C standard (New Draft in June 2010) (en.wikipedia.org)
Shed Skin 0.5 Released (An Optimizing Python-to-C++ Compiler) (shed-skin.blogspot.com)
The Quest for Extreme JavaScript Minification (blah.thingsinjars.com)
Cobra -- Python-like Syntax, Supports Both Dynamic/Static Typing, Contracts, Nil-checking, Embedded Unit Tests, And (Optionally) More Strict Than Standard Static Typed Languages (cobra-language.com)
Latest IE9 preview reaches 95 on acid3 (blogs.msdn.com)
A small HTTP access method in Python: As easy to use as urlopen(), but more flexible (blog.brendel.com)
Beyond Locks and Messages: The Future of Concurrent Programming (bartoszmilewski.wordpress.com)
JZBUILD - An Easy Javascript Build System (stevehanov.ca)
Android Scripts (Python/Ruby) can now be a distributed in APK! (code.google.com)
Forth is broken by culture? (groups.google.com)


The Hurd: GNU's Quest for the Perfect Kernel (lwn.net)
The beauty of open source. Ruby, rack, sinatra & tilt (bjarte.com)
Traceroute in 40 lines of Python (blog.ksplice.com)
Rakudo Star - a useful, usable, "early adopter" distribution of Perl 6 (rakudo.org)
Other Android Languages (tbray.org)
Lisp is Not an Acceptable Lisp (steve-yegge.blogspot.com)
Eclipse Based on Qt is Coming ― First Development Version of the SWT/Qt Platform Available (compeople.eu)
Automatic Music Composition using Answer Set Programming (arxiv.org)
Mercurial Ate Our Breakfast, But We Don't Mind (timunionsteve.posterous.com)
Immutability is not a silver bullet for concurrency (bluebytesoftware.com)
One Small Step Toward Reducing Programming Language Complexity (prog21.dadgum.com)
OCaml as a scripting language (ocaml.janestreet.com)
Killing Primitive Loops and Conditionals (journal.stuffwithstuff.com)
FCC 0.1 is a compiler for a simple C-like language in 5kloc of D. (demented.no-ip.org)
Step 1) Install pyre2 2) import re2 as re 3) 10x faster regex (github.com)
Styling The HTML5 <meter> Tag (colincogle.name)
Old School Color Cycling with HTML5 (effectgames.com)
Richard Stallman's Mono and DotGNU patent concerns (fosspatents.blogspot.com)
Oracle, please make the following changes to Java (catnaplab.com)
3 shell scripts: Kill weasel words, avoid the passive, eliminate duplicates (matt.might.net)
Lguest: The Simple x86 Hypervisor (lguest.ozlabs.org)
The Great Ruby Shootout (July 2010) (programmingzen.com)
Zed Shaw: Mongrel2 Is Now BSD Licensed (sheddingbikes.com)
When True Is Not True Anymore (mlangc.wordpress.com)
The ISC License: a simple, permissive and easy to understand open source license (en.wikipedia.org)
A complete, well-documented interpreter for a dialect of BASIC in a single < 1,000 line Java file (journal.stuffwithstuff.com)


Making something out of nothing (or, why None is better than NaN or NULL) (ocaml.janestreet.com)
There are only two tasks harder than writing Free Software Graphics drivers. One is running a successful crocodile petting zoo, the other is wireless bungee jumping (zrusin.blogspot.com)
Experiments with 'Static' JavaScript: As Fast As Native Code? (mozakai.blogspot.com)
Fedora 14 to include LLVM-based D compiler (fedoraproject.org)
The Dwarfs and The Fast Marking Algorithm (jaspervdj.be)
Little known C# feature, Conditional attributes. (tirania.org)
2^x optimization for double type (falasol.net)
Theory vs Practice: Making algorithms claimed 'optimal', 10x faster. (cacm.acm.org)
Python has a GIL, and lots of complainers (blog.labix.org)
JavaScript needs macros (meta2.tumblr.com)
Rust is systems programming languages being developed by Mozilla (lambda-the-ultimate.org)
JavaScript needs modules! (blog.mozilla.com)


Concurrency in the D Programming Language (informit.com)
The Most Important Algorithms. How many do you understand? (risc.jku.at)
Cappuccino vs jQuery (yannesposito.com)
Internet Relay Programming (esoteric.voxelperfect.net)
Simulate Slow Internet Connection while Testing your Apps (devcurry.com)
Ttk Visibility and Awareness (blog.tkdocs.com)
XenSource (since acquired by Citrix) and their experience of using Ocaml for a major project. (cl.cam.ac.uk)
What's in a find function? (serpentine.com)